
Blender, Joomla!, Gimp...

Gimp script-fu: Vertical...

Gimp script-fu: Vertical Photo Panels Effect

"Vertical Panels Collage",transform your photo or image into a nice looking Vertical Panel Portrait.
The following prerequisites must be met for this:

Gimp 2.10
Download Gimp
2 layers must be present "background" and "brush-mask"
LayerFX for 2.8 (Python-Fu)
Please read the following Tutorial

1. Installation

unpack the archive
The .zip archive from GitHub is structured (folder hierarchy) as you find it in their local Gimp install directory.
Copy all files/ folders in this directory "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0" or use Gimp User Folder "C:\Users\Your User Name\.gimp-2.8\" (Gimp v2.10: "C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10")
Now start Gimp
for a quick start, you can use the template "panels.collage.start.xcf"

2. Prepare the picture

open an image of your choice (RGB, RGBA) and name this layer "background"
create a new layer above the "background" layer called "brush-mask" (picture 1). Create a rectangular or round selection over the area in the photo (picture 2) where you want to have the effect and fill it with any color.

Please pay attention to the correct spelling of all 2 layers "background" and "brush" (picture 2).

3. start Script

Calling the script

  • " / Script-Fu / Panel Collage / Panels Collage Effect ..."
    (picture 3)

  • picture 3
    picture 3

4. The script window

  • picture 4
    picture 4
    • Border
      Select the width (px) of the border of the panels.
    • Mode:
      Select the panel mode (round, rectangular).
    • Panel Amount:
      Select the number of panels (rectangular mode !!).
    • Undo Mode?
      depending on the computer performance. Tip: Save your picture before you run the script so you can revert your picture ("File / Revert")
Now you can run the script with "OK"
Depending on the size of your image could take several minutes.
The script in action:

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