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- Skull - RoseRender with Blender 3D 2.78 + Cycles. Post production in Gimp 2.8, (Explode)
- PaperTutorial by David Krannich.
- Our earthOur earth in ? Years...
- Chevrolet Impala 1965 -anaglyphA prerequisite is 3D red / green glasses or other anaglyph glasses. Chevrolet Impala 1965. Render with Blender 3D 2.77 / 2.78 + Cycles.
- Abstract Mirrored -anaglyphA prerequisite is 3D red / green glasses or other anaglyph glasses. A 2D image (created in Bryce 6.3) converted into a 3D anaglyph image, with the help of Gimp 2.8, GĀ“MIC (filter collection).
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